List Your Virtues and Values

If put on the spot what virtues would you say you admire and/or possess? What values guide you through life? This was harder to do than I expected. There are so many directions to go. Initially my mind went to serious virtues ( discipline, strength, humility) until I realized that sense of humor is very important to me.

Virtues can be fun like creativity, friendliness, enthusiasm. I think I have those and I am proud of that. They don't always help me "get things done" in the traditional ways so I have shied away from owning them as my own. I've decided to get over that. I encourage all of us to truly embrace who we are with each characteristic honored not judged as good or bad.

Values are trickier. Again there is a tendency to get overly serious. But values are the guidance system for how we live. Love is my primary value and I send my loving thoughts out to all I know and the world at large. Truth is indispensible but truth within ourselves as well as speaking truth to others.

Our latest and greatest Thumball design was created with this exercise in mind. It challenges you to consider the three words on each panel and determine which ones you have, would like to have or that you see in another person. It creates stimulating dialog, surprising interactions and true moments of self reflection. Yet it is accomplished through a game of catch with a playful attitude. I think that is what makes it work so well. It can be enjoyed at home, in school, during rehab or at work.

An attribute I continue to develop is my ability to laugh at myself and resist the seriousness I lean toward. I don't know when exactly that happened but I know from this moment on I will go for the lighter side of life and bless this world and myself with an attitude of love and acceptance. That is a value, a virtue and a victory for me. Wanna play?

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